
Summer 2024: An Intense Summer Residency

I am excited to share that I had the amazing opportunity to participate in a residency program with artist Michael David at the Judy Pfaff Studios in Tivoli, NY, USA from June 17th to July 2nd.

Even with the very hot and humid temperature, it was a fantastic experience, and I am especially grateful for my fellow studio mate, artist Mary Crenshaw. Her positive energy and collaborative spirit made the residency even more enjoyable.

Thank you to Daniel Gadd for creating the metal ellipse that became a key element of the first piece. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to studio assistant Vera for her invaluable support: I was able to do more and better work with her help.

To Judy Pfaff,
Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful environment for my residency. The studio space was fantastic, and the house was stylish and comfortable (especially with the air conditioning room!)

I truly appreciate you taking the time to give us a tour of your campus as well. And of course, a huge thank you for offering your critique of my work—your insights were invaluable and will undoubtedly elevate my practice.

To Michael David,
I want to express my sincere gratitude for your encouragement and support since 2018 and even more throughout my residency. Your critiques were both inspiring and insightful, and they have already had a very positive impact on the development of my work.

Studio photos: Louise Noël

Number 1Se souvenir du futur (Remembering the Future): found jeans, metal rods, metal clips and wire, spray paint; 116″ × 73″ × 64″. For the companion text: see the Publications section.
Number 2Des lendemains pleins de promesses (Tomorrows Full of Promise) (in progress): found jeans, metal wire, tread, velcro, fishing line.
Number 3—Works on paper (in progress): various materials (ink, spray paint, sand, sparkles…).

Winter 2024: A Memorable Occasion

I was thrilled and honoured to be included in the Shadow Selves exhibition at M.David & Co. gallery in Brooklyn, NY, from February 16 to March 3, 2024. Sharing the gallery with the exceptionally talented Susan Luss and Hannah Ehrlich was a privilege.

Michael David, thank you for this extraordinary opportunity.

Works presented in the show:
Je ne connais pas son nom (I Do not Know their Name): found shirts, metal wire, tread; number 1-2-3-4.
Ils sont passés (They Went Through): found jeans, rusted metal, black fishing line.
Works on paper from the series Variations: walnut ink on Arches Watercolour Paper (Hot Pressed, 140 lb), 10″ × 14″; number 29-31-32.
Works on paper from the series Gouttes (Drops): walnut ink on Yupo, 11″ × 14″; number 2-6-8.

Photos: Louise Noël
Companion text: see the Publications section

Great memories from my residency at Truro Center for the arts/Edgewood Farm at the end of the 2019 summer!

From left to right: Judith Luongo, Anna Wagner-Ott, Louise Noël, Liza Zukowski, Kathryn Hart, Christopher Staples and Michael David (mentor).

In the summer of 2018, I attended a master class with artist Michael David at Edgewood Farm – Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill, Truro, Massachusetts, United States. This group of artists was amazing, and this experience was a turning point in my artistic practice.

Standing, from left to right: Gail Winbury, Cynthia Sparrenberger, Tina May Randolph, Franceska Alexander, Barbara Laube, Brenda Goodman (guest teacher).
Sitting, from left to right: Anna Wagner-Ott, Louise Noël, Kate Brown, Michael David (teacher), Cherie Mittenthal (Executive Director of the Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill).

Photograph: Grace Roselli